“LIVING GROUND” by Kenwyn Crichlow

Y Art GalleryThe Y ART GALLERY is very pleased to present ‘LIVING GROUND: paintings of Light, Circumstance & Experience’ by Kenwyn Crichlow.Painting is the pathway, a processual to the secret landscape of the mind, the chalice space in which paint material emerges as the ‘living ground’.

These paintings operate through the multiple frames of a picture plane, my studio, and the exhibition site to propose a history of improvisations around the square. Each is intended to be technically challenging, arising from the relations between the dimensions of 24×24 inches and a proportional balanced response to an evolving, progressive history of personal change. They reflect some of my ethical and spiritual concerns with symmetry, asymmetry, pleasure and the well making of that which needs to be seen.

LIVING GROUND by Kenwyn Crichlow
LIVING GROUND by Kenwyn Crichlow

Collectively, the paintings take an optimistic view of a cultural question: Can art exist for itself without the outward reflection of specific everyday imagery? And while I narrow perspectives to the paint material, I want each to emit a sense of well-being. To uncover the longing and the yearning for a deeper, more emotional connection to this moment. More expansively, I want these paintings to contribute to a rewriting of the narrative of art and our aesthetic conversations too often rooted in pejorative speculation, stereotypes, and cultural misperception. – KEN CRICHLOW

[tw-divider]Opening Reception [/tw-divider] Mon 29 June, 2014 at Y Art & Framing Gallery,
6:30- 8:00 pm
#26 Taylor Street, Woodbrook, Trinidad & Tobago

Exhibtion continues from June 30th to Saturday 11th July, 2015
Gallery hours: Monday – Friday . 9am – 5pm
Saturday – 9am – 2pm

To reserve appointment for private viewing please contact 628-4165

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