oil down

Children of the Coup proudly presents the Oil Down Speed Limit: Turning Point Edition!

The Third Art and Music Exhibition of its kind will be gracing the beautiful Euphoria Lounge to bring forth a brand new show In collaboration with CDM Generation. The 3rd Oil Down will be apart of an engaging, ground-breaking and electrifying 3 day tuning point event!

The all new revamped exhibition will be as follows:

4pm- Art Gallery and Market Place Pre-Event 

Local paintings and sculptures will be on display and for sale from an early time.

6pm- Live Paintings 

Local artists will be showcasing their skills for the audience when doors officially open for the start of “Oil Down”.

8pm- Spoken Word Interlude

To kick off the show, well known local spoken word poets will bring in the night!

8pm-til- Underground DJs

Several local DJs will present a blend of genres, from originally produced tracks, to some of the best mixes.

Date and Time: August 12th from 4pm

Venue: Euphoria Lounge, #58 Dundonald Street, Port of Spain

Cost: $100

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