third world cinema new

Want to enjoy outstanding local films while helping someone else achieve their dream?

Local Cinema Night presents a night of three award winning films from Trinidad and Tobago, with proceeds going towards the “Let’s Get Kai to St. John’s University” fundraising campaign! Films in the line up for the night are “Where the Sun Sets’, ‘No Soca No Life’ and ‘Doubles with Slight Pepper’.

Where The Sun Sets directed by Ryan Latchmansingh (2012)-

Luke Singh struggles to make ends meet working as a fisherman. Unable to provide for his sick grandmother, Luke is presented with an opportunity to make a lot of money, but the decision would come at a great cost.

No Soca No Life directed by Kevin Adams (2012)

Olivia is a teenage girl from an impoverished community with a fabulous singing voice, honed in the church choir. When she decides to use her talent to sing soca, however, Olivia must face many hurdles — not least of all stiff opposition from her mother.

Doubles With Slight Pepper  directed by Ian Harnarine (2011)-

Doubles with Slight Pepper is a dramatic film set in Trinidad during Christmas. It’s a coming of age story centered around Dhani, a young street food vendor, who must decide if he will help save his estranged Father from dying.


Date and Time: August 11th at 7pm-10pm

Venue: The Little Carib Theatre, Cor. White and Robert St. Port of Spain

Cost: $100

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ttff/ 2021 is here and watch meh!