tangerine-reviewJohnathan Ali will be hosting a screening of Tangerine at the Big Black Box!

The film was a breakout hit at last year’s Sundance Film Festival, and was shot entirely on an iPhone 5. Tangerine is a minor-key humanist miracle, a magisterial day in the demi-monde life, without an ounce of condescension or cliché.

It’s Christmas Eve and Sin-Dee Rella is back on her Hollywood block after some prison time. She’s eager to see her pimp-slash-dealer boyfriend, Chester, but when her bestie and fellow trans working girl, Alexandra, reveals that Chester’s been cheating on her with Dinah, a cis prostitute, Sin-Dee completely loses her mind. Dragging Alexandra along with the unconvincing promise that there’ll be no drama, Sin-Dee tears through Tinsel Town looking to enforce a reckoning. In the meantime, Armenian immigrant cabdriver and family man Razmik wishes to declare his feelings for Sin-Dee, while Alexandra nurses poignant dreams of cabaret stardom.

Date & Time: July 7th, 7pm

Venue: The Big Black Box #33 Murray Street, Port of Spain

Cost: Admission is Free

Drinks will be on sale.

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ttff/ 2021 is here and watch meh!