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Trinidad’s Premier Soul Artiste, influenced by some of the greats and you will truly hear it in his music mixed with a culture like no other and a undying love for Hip Hop…John John hails from Laventille where is soul mirrors his surroundings.

John Francis or John John as many know him has been singing for as long as he could remember, but he remembered being noticed for his talents in Primary School. It was at the age of 14 when he joined a neighborhood group where he realized where he wanted to be and what his dream job was. He then joined many groups over time, such groups include Suede, Kings of Origin where he first started Rappingand Singing. Then in 1997 he joined the Gospel Group Youth Pulse where he developed his art to another level.
He has recorded hooks for Local Rappers, while working at the Island club casino where he was hired part time as a lounge singer at the said club. John John has written many songs and has been signed to Highway Records Label, he is presently working on his debut album but already finished some a songs for that said album, once such song is The Ghetto, a song that was inspired by pain and suffering in this talented artiste hometown…

LIVE on October 25th, 2014 at the Alliance Française

Time: Doors Open 7PM, Showtime 8PM
Cost: $100/ Drinks will be on sale at venue.

For further information call: 328-6993 or 729-8909

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Citagrandson
Instagram: http://instagram.com/citagrandson
Bandcamp: http://johnjohn.bandcamp.com/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/citagrandson

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