Thu. 30th October, 5pm @ MEDULLA ART GALLERY


TRASHED – NO PLACE FOR WASTE, starring Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons, looks at the risks to the food chain and environment through pollution of our air, land and sea by waste.

With an original soundtrack by Academy Award winner Vangelis, the film reveals eye-opening truths about the immediate and potent dangers to our health.

TRASHED is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between Irons and scientists, politicians and individuals whose wellbeing and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution.

Visually and emotionally the film is both horrific and beautiful, an interplay between human interest and a political wake-up call.

But TRASHED ends on a message of hope by showing how the risks to our survival can easily be averted through sustainable, non-polluting apaproaches that provide far more employment than the current standard waste industry methods.

Director: Candida Brady
Release Date: 2012
Run Time: 97 minutes
Language (Audio): English

Thu. 30th October, 5pm @ MEDULLA ART GALLERY

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ttff/ 2021 is here and watch meh!