Calabash Foundation for the Arts presents the World Premiere of Jab Molassie at the Little Carib Theatre from November 6-9, 2014 starring Nickolai Salcedo, Natalia Dopwell, Roger Roberts, Germaine Wilson and Wendell Manwarren




Set in the windy hills of Laventille, two school Security Guards, a man and woman, narrate the tale of Starboy, a gifted musician with a bright future who unwittingly sells his soul, represented by his music, toJab Molassie, also played by male and female performers. Imagining that in exchange for his instrument he will gain all the riches promised to him by Jab and his magic book of gambling tips, Starboy cannot predict the heavy price he will pay for this exchange.  Nor does he imagine that he will be lost forever… or will he be?

Music by Dominique Le Gendre/Libretto by Caitlyn Kamminga
Director: Patricia Cumper/Musical Director: Ian Shaw/Movement Director: Dave Williams
Set Designer: Kathryn Chan/Lighting Designer: Benny Gomes/Sound Designer: Robin Foster

Tickets go on sale in early October:
Gala $500/ All other performances $250

Learn more about Jab Molassie, click on the link below

Facebook page here


Calabash Foundation for the Arts

Calabash Foundation for the Arts is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide funding and support systems to promote the development of the arts in Trinidad and Tobago.
The focus of Calabash Foundation for the Arts in the first instance is to contribute to the development of the performing arts in Trinidad and Tobago by enabling the creation of new outstanding works of Trinidad and Tobago origin which will be performed on local and international stages. 
For further information email



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