10339384_698185686884926_7841561476610156729_o10339384_698185686884926_7841561476610156729_oL’ALLIANCE FETE LA MUSIQUE continues on July 26th at 8pm. The Alliance Française promises you an acoustic Jazz evening with Patrice Inglesbirth. With only 25 seats available, you can enjoy the artistes, share their inspiration and love their music…up close and personal. Contribution: (Complimentary drinks included) $TT 125 for members and students $TT 150 for general audience Get your tickets at the Alliance Française de Trinité-et-Tobago! Limited advanced tickets only! Call now at 622-6119 www.alliancetnt.org Facebook event here



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Light movements.


ttff/ 2021 is here and watch meh!